
Preliminary information for the NeuroDoWO 2024:


Start: 20.08.2024, noon

End: 23.08.2024, 3 pm

Venue: BioCity, Deutscher Platz 5, 04103 Leipzig

Accommodation: Five Elements Hostel, Kleine Fleischergasse 8, 04109 Leipzig

              Check-in: 5 - 7 pm



Keynote speakers:

  • Shiqiang Gao
  • Susanne Schoch
  • Giorgio Gilestro
  • Maximina Yun


  • Connectomics 101 – How to identify and characterize neuronal networks in D. melanogaster
  • Anatomy crash course: Brain dissection demonstration
  • How to successfully raise money for your research project – An overview of DFG grants
  • How to take care of your mental health: Reach your inner peace and resilience even in difficult times
  • How to communicate your animal research to a broader audience


A detailed schedule is attached underneath.

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