About the Neurobiology Doctoral Students Workshop

The NeuroDoWo has been organized by doctoral candidates for over 30 years under the patronage of the German Zoological Society (Deutsche Zoologische Gesellschaft, DZG) and German Neuroscience Society (Neurowissenschaftliche Gesellschaft e.V.). Our aim is to reach early career scientists with a diverse neuroscientific background, from Germany and abroad. The conference promotes communication across disciplines and to allow young scientists to gain experience in presenting and discussing their research in a talk or with a scientific poster. The NeuroDoWo 2025 will take place in Munich

Keynote Speakers 2025


For the 34th edition of NeuroDoWo, we are excited to announce this year’s Keynote Speakers!
To highlight the scientific variety our city has to offer, we proudly present a diverse lineup of speakers covering a wide range of topics — from Molecular and Developmental Neuroscience, through Systems and Computational Neuroscience, all the way to Behavioral Neuroscience. More information and individual speaker introductions will follow soon.

NeuroDoWo 2024

The 33rd NeuroDoWo is over now, and we would like to thank all people supporting our conference. Great appreciation to our keynote speakers for your fantastic talks as well as to our workshop leaders providing us with new skills. Furthermore, immense thanks to all participants. Without your contributions the conference would have been only half as good. We are also happy to announce that the 34th NeuroDoWo will take place in Munich and wish the new organizers every success in planning.


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